Thursday, August 9, 2007

Dave Diersen Versus the Volcano

Seth already beat me to the punch on this one, but let's take a second look at Mr. Diersen's rantings:

Peickert fails to acknowledge that many of DuPage County's most serious problems are caused by its elected officials and Republican party leaders who claim to be Republican, but who reject most if not all the Republican platform and who are in reality, Democrats. These RINOs blame all problems on conservatives and by their words and/or by their actions, they promote dependency on government, illegal immigration, abortion, homosexual activity, erosion of Second Amendment rights, etc.

Long ago, or so the legends say, there were tribes who used to sacrifice virgins by throwing them into their local volcano. We need to appease the gods, they would say, or else the volcano would surely erupt and bring death and destruction.

Trouble is, sometimes the volcano would erupt anyway. And if you made a comparison, you could find that the volcanoes that got sacrifices erupted, on average, with the same frequency as the ones that didn't.

For the people making the sacrifices, there could be only one answer to this conundrum.

Obviously, they weren't sacrificing enough virgins. Or maybe their sacrifices weren't high enough quality, whatever that might mean.

Diersen, of course, is a pretty extreme case even by Republican standards. But this way of thinking, if it can be called that, isn't limited to his ilk. Twenty-plus years of trickle-on economics have been devastating our country. Unthinking deregulation and upper-bracket tax cuts have made the rich richer — always the real purpose — and have left the rest of us with massive deficits, a dwindling number of good jobs, a crumbling infrastructure (last week's tragedy in Minnesota being only the latest example), and so on and so on. Yet you still see far too many Republicans telling us that all we need is more tax cuts, more privatization, more sacrifices to Mammon and everything will be fine.

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